
It's Time to Remember: The Somatic Amnesia of Tree Climbing Vampires

It's Time to Remember: The Somatic Amnesia of Tree Climbing Vampires

Read this blog written by owner and E-RYT 500 Lauren Fields as she explores her journey to find the missing pieces of yoga and how the discovery of natural movement freed her practice once again.

“…the feeling of remembering a part of yourself that is primal, that is natural. We remembered how we were created to be on this planet. It is one of the most powerful things to experience.”

#yoga #yogapractice #yogateacher #yogablog #pdxyoga #yogainpdx #blog #primal #naturalmovement #vampire #treeclimbing #freeyourself

Wanderlust Weekly Feature

Wanderlust Weekly Feature

Check out this awesome feature and interview of Yoga To You and Lauren Fields on Wanderlust Weekly